Due to the inconsistency of in-person gaming, I’m going to try my hand at running a D&D game online (3LBBS only). I tried doing this last fall, but the game flopped right out of the gate. Lots of pre-game interest with a number of players messaging me and declaring that they would play; however, most never showed up. I’m told that’s normal. Still sucks.
Tag: Campaigns Page 1 of 5
In my game setting, almost everyone interacts (to some degree) with gods, goddesses, and Otherworld beings like elves, dwarfs, and land wights. Most do not question their existence since it is part of the assumed cultural worldview. All recognize the need to appease and respect such beings in order to maintain well-being and prosperity. Conversely, people also desire to avoid harm, sickness, and disease through the regular upkeep of ritual acts. Propitiatory rites, offerings to seek favors, and votive acts linked with oaths are widespread among common folk and highborn alike. Players, too, are able to engage in such practices. Mechanically, I handle such practices and interactions using OD&D’s existing reaction rules.
Still alive and gaming! Once again, I’ve fallen far behind on posting game reports. While I haven’t been blogging, I’ve certainly been running the campaign. This session occurred months ago. We’re scheduled to play session 11 next week. Anyway, see this post for a recap of Session 5.
When not gaming or working, I’ve had the opportunity to harvest medicinal plants and berries to make a tincture, some syrups, and a jam. After sitting about eight weeks in alcohol, my yarrow tincture is ready. I also made some delicious thyme and lemon syrup that not only was good for some coughs the kids had (not COVID!), but also for some lovely cocktails! Lastly, just this morning, I was finally able to harvest the now purplish elderberries. Didn’t get a lot thanks to the birds that also find the berries delicious, but enough to present my loving partner with a tasty jam this morning. Here are some pics of the yarrow tincture before moving on to the game report!