Digressive Musings on Old-School D&D

Tag: Miniatures

A Rambling Hack Check-in

Yea, yea. Still alive. Still gaming. And of course, still working. Not that I should have any anxiety over my lack of posting since only a handful of people are even reading this stuff. Admittedly, I’m a bit of a hack blogger since I rarely post. Perhaps if it was truly a life-giving activity I would make more time for it. Instead, when not with family and friends, I spend most of my free time crafting or painting miniatures. I really do find a sense of joy in the creativity of crafting. Don’t much give a shit if the piece ever sees a gaming table (most pieces don’t). I find that the entire process has a meditative quality that is good for my spirit.

Slayed by a Mage on Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there! It’s a difficult, but rewarding, gig. At least that’s how I often experience fatherhood. Four of the six people in my current game are dads, and I appreciate the constant adjusting of schedules and balancing of parental responsibilities that takes place in order to ensure we continue to get together for our D&D game. Today, no D&D session. However, my spouse and oldest son did humor me by playing a skirmish game of A Song of Blades and Heroes (again, it’s Father’s Day). It was a blast (even though I lost)! It also allowed me to bust out some minis and one of my crafted boards and terrain.

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