Long time no write! Ah, the other demands of life. Work has been good, but busy. I’ve gotta new batch of students motivated to learn about providing emotional and spiritual support in a hospital setting. I like teaching, but this kind of work is nothing like teaching in a university setting. The transition is stressful at times, but I’ve got great support from my own family and friends. Being with them really fills my cup when it’s empty.
Anyway, I’ve been rolling a Sword & Sorcery campaign around in my head for a few months now. Unfortunately, I’ve only made two posts on the topic. Of course, there is no rush since I’m already running a game that continues to be awesome (thanks guys!). I just like to work on this other idea in my free time so it will be ready to go in the future. I could just be lazy (or smart and efficient, it’s a matter of perspective) and set the new game in the land of Hyperborea, the city of Lankhmar, or even the city of Sanctuary and simply move on. But where’s the fun in that? I think I’ll just use such literature for on-going inspiration and ideas.
Now, on to the Priests of Niotha Qurghai . . .
Power and control are fragile in the land of Bazen Por. On-going struggles and manipulation are always taking place between the main factions that inhabit the region. What little bit of stability the land now enjoys is primarily the result of ever-shifting deals and alliances between the factions to keep one another in check.
Besides the guild of the Red Hands and Zulma Kal and his 100 Companions, there exists a powerful faction of priests dedicated to the mysterious god known as Niotha Qurghai. The priests reside in a great temple complex made from a strange reddish-black stone about half a day’s walk from Zulma Kal’s stronghold. The temple stands in the center of a massive crater not far from the Plains of Ruin. Tales speak of Niotha Qurghai descending from the heavens riding a fiery demon. Exhausted and hungry from its exertions, the demon satiated itself by devouring a large portion of the earth itself.
The temple is sacred, and its inner sanctum is said to house Niotha Qurghai. Much of the temple complex is forbidden to outsiders. Many a rogue in hopes of stealing the riches said to be within the walls of the temple has ignored the trespassing mandate of priests. None were seen again.

The priests of Niotha Qurghai wear heavy woolen robes dyed black. The robes are usually adorned with a strange and sacred writing known only to the priests. All of Niotha Qurghai’s priests wear masks painted with a white clay mixture that is adorned with symbols and writing painted on with red ochre. Priests never remove their masks outside of the temple complex.
Once one dedicates his or her life to serving and worshipping Niotha Qurghai, the devotee is forbidden to ever cut his or her hair again. It is unknown to outsiders why this is, but some report hearing that the priests are sworn to “serve in the Old One’s image;” thus, many throughout Bazen Por believe that Niotha Qurghai is a long-haired god. In fact, a common epithet for Niotha Qurghai is the Long-Haired One. The hair of a priest is often matted and dreaded, and it will almost always have a number of talismans and pieces of jewelry woven into the thick locks. Foolish priests traveling alone near the shanties outside the stronghold have sometimes turned up dead and shaven with no sign of their hair to be found.
The priests of Niotha Qurghai are distrusted by the Red Hands for they often know things they should not. The priests say that Niotha Qurghai knows the feeble minds of all men, and those that worship him are bestowed with great knowledge.
Some of the Red hands fear them. Many attempts have been made by the Red Hands to pit Zulma Kal against the priests, often by reminding him that Niotha Qurghai is a foreign god and no ancestor. Zulma Kal, however, has not been swayed. The Great Kal is said to always welcome the high priest of Niotha Qurghai at his stronghold and bestow him with gifts. Some say he keeps the priests close because he fears the sorcerous power of the Red Hands. Others say that Zulma Kal is a puppet of the priests and secretly makes sacrifices to Niotha Qurghai in a secret chamber deep in the heart of the stronghold.
That’s it for now. Peace.