This site has been gathering dust for a few months now. Being a hospital chaplain during an on-going pandemic makes for little time or energy. Oh, and since it has been on my heart and mind lately, if you have not gotten vaccinated AND you do not have a legitimate medical exemption or a truly sincere religious belief to exempt you (truly sincere, not some BS you pulled from the internet to get around the issue) then let me say this: #@*%$#!! #####EDITED OUT RAGE TO KEEP FROM GETTING FIRED#####

I know it’s your decision. No doubt. My decision is to take a moment and express my rage. My decision has been to spend the last two years with patients dying from COVID, along with their families. It’s tragic, and I’m tired of seeing the same situation over and over again. It’s like some twisted Groundhog day scenario.

Sigh. Moving on. I’ve been a little burned out if I’m being honest. Hell, the only reason I’m even making a post now is that I’m home sick with sick kids that bestowed the gift of projectile vomit on me last night…the chucky kind. That’s love. Anyway, I’m home today and everyone is finally sleeping peacefully (for now). What follows is a draft for one of the non-human options in my Long Night campaign set in 6th-century “England.” I now present the Hægtesse.