Due to the inconsistency of in-person gaming, I’m going to try my hand at running a D&D game online (3LBBS only). I tried doing this last fall, but the game flopped right out of the gate. Lots of pre-game interest with a number of players messaging me and declaring that they would play; however, most never showed up. I’m told that’s normal. Still sucks.

The real thing that pissed me off was that two people I know very well and have gamed with for decades decided to play. Cool, but why might that piss me off you might ask. Well, dear reader, both knuckleheads showed up completely unprepared to play. My only real pre-game requirements were to: 1) familiarize oneself with Discord and the channel, 2) be prepared with a serviceable microphone, 3) read a 1-page campaign primer (1 freaking page!), and 4) create your character (instructions were made available, and I was also available to players for questions). None of that was done. I love those fools, but their actions (or lack of actions) pissed me off something fierce. Now I know why session zeros are thing.

On top of all of that, there were some experiencing tech issues. I spent more time getting everyone connected and on the same page. I should have just booted the unprepared players so I could dedicate myself to those ready to go. But, I guess I really wanted to keep an already small group together. A mistake. In short, the session was underwhelming, and the players didn’t click. I don’t blame the other two players for bowing out. It was the first time in decades that I felt incompetent at running a game.

Ugh. Still a little pissed…but, if I’m honest, I’m more disappointed with myself. I know better. Live and learn.

Anyway, I’m going to try starting another online game. Not sure what online format I want to use. I tried Discord, but it was not a good gaming experience. I’m considering Role Gate. Or, perhaps I’ll try my hand at Play-by-Post. I’ve done some of that before (even in my forums), but mostly for interactions taking place in between regular gaming sessions. Not sure what site I would use for that. Rpol? That site has been around awhile, but I’ve never used it. Any suggestions?

As for campaign details, I think I’ll run the game in my Bazen Pur setting. In anticipation of that possibility, I posted some of that information for potential players in my Resources section.
