Yea, yea. Still alive. Still gaming. And of course, still working. Not that I should have any anxiety over my lack of posting since only a handful of people are even reading this stuff. Admittedly, I’m a bit of a hack blogger since I rarely post. Perhaps if it was truly a life-giving activity I would make more time for it. Instead, when not with family and friends, I spend most of my free time crafting or painting miniatures. I really do find a sense of joy in the creativity of crafting. Don’t much give a shit if the piece ever sees a gaming table (most pieces don’t). I find that the entire process has a meditative quality that is good for my spirit.

The Long Night Campaign is still going! We just completed our fifth session last week. We had hoped to have played more sessions by now, but our conflicting work schedules make scheduling a bitch. I’m just grateful to be gaming at all. We even had an additional player join the group during session four. There’s five of us now. Still smaller than my last group, but it’s still a good size.

The last session ended with the players arriving at a community feast being held in Seaxwulf’s newly constructed meadhall on the evening of the full moon. The players are currently torn between accepting some well-deserved recognition that will be made possible by pledging loyalty to Seaxwulf and the risk of such loyalty in potentially making enemies of other prominent members of the community. I’m still hoping to post game reports for the last three sessions (something I promised in a previous post). Encounters with the Otherworld, a murderous fiend slain, village life, new personalities, and even a hunt for a beehive were part of the sessions. All good stuff.

Last month, I was able to return to Seattle. I always love going back, although I don’t think I could ever live in the Seattle-Tacoma area again because of the traffic and property prices. Fucking ridiculous. Anyway, I didn’t have much time in Seattle since I was in Washington for a wedding that was held at a beautiful beach on the Olympic Peninsula. The rock formations are gorgeous. Good trip, but traveling with the kids can SUUUCCKK!

Work at the hospital has gotten much better (although COVID numbers are rising again in the area). I took a few days off for that wedding, and another few days off a couple of weeks ago to attend to other matters. I feel that helped with some of my fatigue and weariness built up over the last couple of years, but that time off wasn’t really vacation time in that I had to attend to matters pertaining to other people. I really need to make more time for me and my wonderful partner besides the occasional date night.
Speaking of that wonderful partner, she just got back home. Time to wrap this up to spend some time with the family. I think the day will eventually lead to chilling with cocktails.