Well, I haven’t posted in awhile because I decided to get some crafting done. The focus of this project was a large (2’x2′) cobblestone dungeon board. My main inspiration was this episode by Professor Dungeon Master. This was my first time doing one of his projects, but I was very pleased with the results. I’m usually making dungeon terrain inspired by DM Scotty (as you’ll notice after seeing some of my terrain in the pics below). I’m also a big fan of Black Magic Craft. All of them are amazing at what they do!
Anyway, unlike Professor DM’s piece, I wasn’t concerned with making the entire board circular, nor do I intend to mount it on a Lazy Susan (maybe I’ll do that in the future since that is a pretty cool idea). I wanted to keep the board large so that it can double as a board for miniature skirmish games. You’ll notice I also departed from Professor DM’s color scheme. I just used the paints I had at the house. I etched the entire board from a single piece of XPS insulation foam. I then prepped, painted, and sealed the board. The rest of the post includes pictures of the process and results. All miniatures in the pics were painted by me. All the showcased terrain pieces were made and painted by me, with the exception of the bone piles. The bone piles were a gift from my wife that I later painted. Peace.

The Beginning Adding the Grid
That was a lot of Cobblestones! Side & Detail Work
Close-Up of the Stones Close-up of the Center Stones
Magic-user Action on the Board Board with Figures & Terrain
Close-up of Skeleton on Board Overhead Look with Terrain
Another Detail Angle A Final Close-up