I’m way behind on game reports for the Long Night Campaign. Time to suck it up and just get another recap out, even if it’s just a sketch of the main parts of the evening without a lot of the conversations that took place. We have another session planned for next Tuesday (that will be session six). Below is an overview of the third session. Check out this post for a summary of the previous two sessions.

Day 2 of the Long Night Campaign (Session 3)

Date: 10 days since sighting the new moon in the Month of Three Milkings (Ðrimilce-monaþ). Late night, almost early morning. Equivalent to May 19th, 536 AD.

Players Present for Sessions 3:

  • Wulfgar: Wolf-warrior class, farmer/herder background
  • Eardwulf: Wolf-warrior class, former slave, now free
  • Osbeorn: Bear-warrior class, wandering warrior

Session 3

The players began play looking for signs of Eadgifu who seemed to have wandered away from the homestead in the middle of the night while the players were away scouting a nearby village (potential raiding location). The group quickly discovered barefoot tracks in the mud heading southwest away from the village, and they made the decision to investigate instead of simply retiring for the evening. All of them knew that she occasionally walked in her sleep and/or lapsed into a trance-like state.

They followed signs and a known trail south and southwest toward the river, and upon reaching the river they observed that she had forded the river and continued heading south (more tracks in the mud on the opposite bank). The players discussed how she appeared to be heading toward the old sacred well, a site known to them and the villagers, but a site also avoided because of its mysterious connection to people indigenous to the region.

Eventually, the trail forked. One branch continued south (the same route the community traveled when departing the southern coast to establish their current village along the the edges of the great northern forest, The Weald, a year ago). The other branch headed southwest toward a copse and the old well. The terrain in that direction also appeared to be hillier and bracken-covered. Although they saw no additional sign indicating which way she may have gone, they headed southwest toward the well.

Heading southwest, the trail became tree-covered. The players are informed that they all felt a subtle sensation as they walked below the trees, as if the air had a strange tingle. The players talked among themselves and announced various precautions, including walking with weapons now drawn. They, nevertheless, continued. As they did, the players were provided information that gave them the impression that they may be watched.

Not long after they continued along the wooded trail, the group detected a shimmering blueish-white light ahead. As they cautiously approached, they saw numerous woolen ribbons tied to the branches of the trees. They also saw hanging from the trees a number of crude effigies made of twigs, bark, and other plant materials. Ahead of them, the light was emitting from a small cave-like entrance in the side of a tree-covered hill. The opening appeared partially constructed since it had blocks of worked stone framing the entrance. The players also heard the faint sounds of conversation coming from the opening.

After cautiously approaching the entrance to better listen, Wulfgar was able to discern his sister’s voice and that of another. They were both speaking in a language unknown to any of the players. Wulfgar, however, was pretty confident that some of the words sounded like the language of the ylfe based on some scop stories he had heard. The players also saw stone steps descending down into the hill, but the passage was only wide enough for one person at a time.

The players descended and followed the passage, suspecting that it would lead to the well where Eadgifu must be. Almost immediately (and within sight of the opening), the group encountered what appeared to be the source of the bluish-white glow. Ahead of them, a wall of shimmering light was filling the passage. The players could see through the light-wall, and they saw that the passage appeared to continue on the other side. The unintelligible voices were louder and sounded not far away, perhaps just on the other side of the light.

The players have an extended conversation at this point as they tried to decide what they wanted to do in light of this strange, and obviously magical, occurrence. They first tried simply calling out to Eadgifu to get her attention. They got no response. They tried pushing a spear through the light, and it passed through easily with no noticeable change or effect. Wulfgar and Osbeorn voiced wanting to step through the wall of light. Eardwulf basically said, fuck that; it’s magic. The group finally decided that Wulfgaar and Osbeorn would walk through the light and continue down the passage. Eardwuld would remain on the other side as kind of rearguard. That was just fine with Eardwulf.

As the hardiest in the party, Osbeorn walked through first and alone while holding the end of Wulfgar’s spear. Nothing appeared to happen to him; however, he no longer saw his companions back on the other side of the wall of light, nor did he see the rest of the spear. He also could not hear them. Back on the other side, Wulfgar and Eardwulf could see and hear Osbeorn, but they realized he could not hear them. Osbeorn also noticed that on his side of the wall of light, the passage appeared somewhat strange. The air itself seemed to have a faint luminescent quality. After a few moments, Osbeorn easily walked back through the wall to rejoin his companions with no apparent ill effects.

Based on this information, the group decided to continue with their plan, but they realized that they would be unable to communicate with Eardwulf while they investigated on the other side. Decided, Wulfgar and Osbeorn stepped through the wall of light and continued down the passage. The conversation taking place up ahead then suddenly ceased. Wulfgar and Osbeorn stopped moving. The silence was then followed by a splash, as if someone or something had jumped into a body of water.

Wulfgar and Osbeorn then rushed ahead and emerged into an open cavern with a large pool of water. The cavern appeared to be a combination of natural earth and stone with man-made additions, such as cut stone tiles around the well and reinforced walls. More ribbons and effigies were attached to various parts of the cavern walls, and roots from the trees on the hillside above had snaked down the walls and meandered around the pool. The air pulsed with a faint bluish-white light, and a wide and dark opening on the opposite side of the well showed that the passage continued.

Kneeling at the edge of the pool was Eadgifu. Her bare feet and the bottom of her woolen gown were splattered with mud. She was alone and looking off into the distance. The water of the well was still rippling from whatever had jumped in or disturbed its surface.

Wulfgar rushed to Eadgifu while Osbeorn stood by and kept an eye on the pool and the dark passage on the other side of the cavern. Eadgifu was at first distant, as if in a trance-like state. She eventually woke up startled and confused about the situation and her whereabouts. Wulfgar engaged her with some questions, but Eadgifu was unable to provide much information. She shared that she had been having a wonderful dream with a beautiful woman, and she had no recollection of leaving home.

Meanwhile, Osbeorn was scanning the area. Nothing could be seen in the water. However, he did notice short and squat shadows darting back-and-forth across the front of the passage entrance on the other side of the cavern. This observation was followed with audible child-like giggling. More shadows were seen to be scurrying in the dark across the cavern.

Wulfgar shouted out demands to know who or what was out there. He received a response of more eerie giggling. Another voice then called out from the darkness, “We can answer questions. Hee, hee, hee. Yes, we have answers.” Other responses then joined the first in a chorus-like cacophony: “Leave the pretty, pretty girl,” “We have answers,” “What do you seek,” “There’s a price,” “What have you brought us,” “Hee, hee, hee.”

Wulfgar and Osbeorn muttered something about the possibility of the creatures being dweorgas, but they were not sure having never encountered such Otherworldly creatures. Eadgifu was scared, and Wulfgar and Osbeorn seemed nervous and uncertain themselves. Although tempted and desiring to know where the passage led, they decided to get out and so began a cautious retreat. As they began retreating with Eadgifu in tow, the voices in the dark cried out, “No, no…you’re going the wrong way!” “We have answers!”

They ignored the voices and continued the retreat. They made it back through the wall of light and found Eardwulf waiting where they had left him. They all mused that the well, especially at night, was not a good place to be. Therefore, they made the decision to head back home where they could ensure that Eadgifu was out of harm’s way, and where they could also discuss without pressure what they wanted to do next.

On the way back along the trail, the group discovered a large cairn standing about shoulder-height right in the middle of the trail. The cairn was not there earlier, and the group argued that it would have been impossible to collect that many stones in the time that had elapsed since they had last passed…unless there were a lot of things gathering stones. However, there were no tracks around the cairn other than their own. The group debated on whether they should remove a stone or even destroy the cairn. In the end, they left the cairn unmolested and decided nothing felt right about the area. They muttered that magic and otherworld creatures were not to be trusted. Therefore, they fled (or wisely departed…it’s a matter of perspective).

The session concluded with the party making it back home where they engaged in more conversation about what had occurred. Exhausted, they finally retired to get some rest.

More sessions to come. The later sessions are up to four players…finally! Not the six from the last campaign, but I’m grateful to have any players.
